This site was developed to provide authentic information on the Succession of Patriarchs of the d’Mar Shimun family and other notable family members. Since the genesis of this idea, our site has evolved into a larger endeavor creating a greater depth of content. While it is impossible to provide detailed subject matter for all twenty-six Mar Shimun patriarchs spanning 658 years from 1318 to 1975, we are pleased to share a variety of documents, most reproduced from their original format that chronicles history as well as never before seen family items into a collection of visual library from the last few generations of Patriarchs and other distinguished family members. (READ COMPLETE INTRODUCTION)

Given the time frame and advances in technology, the content that is most rich centers on our beloved Patriarch, Mar Eshai Shimun, XXIII, last in the d’Mar Shimun succession. The content provided here deliberately focuses on the works of the Patriarch Mar Eshai Shimun, XXIII and his fifty-five years of dedication to the Church of the East and the Assyrian people. In order not to detract from his accomplishments, we have chosen to not focus on the tragic and painful circumstance of his assassination.
In the meantime, you can now view credible and trustworthy information that is factually sound. In many cases, these documents are electronically reproduced originals of which you can be certain are not based on speculation nor conclusions derived from opinions. By browsing these archives through your visit, you may gain further knowledge and understanding of the works and deeds of the d’ Mar Shimun Patriarchs and notable family members on behalf of the Assyrian nation. If you feel you have an item(s) that may be suitable, please feel free to contact us. Over the years, numerous friends and acquaintances have sent us varied material including documents, speeches, pictures as well as audio and video tapes. This undertaking of collecting, cataloging and scanning thousands of items has been in development for the last five years, with the majority of our efforts culminating since 2005 into this site you are now visiting.
Please feel free to browse our pages and refer this site to anyone you believe might have an interest. If you wish to download information, please note that all content, including pictures, are copyright protected. Please contact us and we will reply as soon as possible.
As the next generation of the surviving d’Mar Shimun family members, we have not yet found a more conclusive nor comprehensive resource that contains this much accurate, reliable and credible information related to the Assyrian Patriarchs of the Mar Shimun lineage. See Mar Eshai Shimun’s complete biography here.

Mission Statement
The Mar Shimun Memorial Foundation is dedicated to preserving and educating both Assyrians and non-Assyrians with factual information pertaining to the legacy of the Mar Shimun Patriarchal succession spanning 658 years, from 1318-1975, and their work for the Church of the East and the Assyrian nation.
Our Values
- We commit to providing impartial information.
- Using the Mar Shimun Patriarchs as our example, with special emphasis on Mar Eshai Shimun, we will emulate their integrity in our work.
- We will have the courage, to tell the truth, based solely upon factual information that has been validated.
- We will preserve the works and deeds of the Mar Shimun legacy Patriarchs, with particular emphasis on His Holiness, Mar Eshai Shimun.
Our Vision
The vision of the Mar Shimun Memorial Foundation is to provide educational resources preserving the history of the Mar Shimun Family Patriarchs and their contributions to the Church of the East from 1318 thru 1975 for future generations.
This resource is credible and reliable information that presents factually sound and not speculation nor conclusions derived from opinions. When you purchase a product from the Mar Shimun Memorial foundation or visit MarShimun.com you can be assured of viewing content that is the basis of actual historic events that have been validated.
Memorial Foundation
See the Foundation Page