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Reference Articles and Documents

British FO Correspondence (FO 195/204),  Jul-Aug 1843

Permanent Mandates Commission, League of Nations, Geneva, 1928

Memo Regarding the Assyrian’s Petition to Leave Iraq, Geneva, 1931
Petition to Leave Iraq, Mosul, 1931
Correspondences to the League Of Nations, Annexe 27, 28, 29, + 31, Geneva, 1932
Correspondences to the League Of Nations, Annexe 33, 34, Geneva, 1932
Permanent Mandates Commission, League of Nations, Geneva, 1932
Request of the Kingdom of Iraq For Admission to the League of Nations, Geneva, 1932
Opinion of the Pertinent Mandates Commission, Geneva, 1932 Part I
Opinion of the Pertinent Mandates Commission, Geneva, 1932, Part II

The Assyrian Crisis, Iraq 1933

Protection of Minorities in Iraq, League of Nations, Geneva, 1933

Protection of Minorities in Iraq, League of Nations, Geneva, 1933 – Supplement

Assyrian Levies during the Assyrian Massacre and genocide in 1933  Author: Rosie Llewellyn-Jones

League of Nations Official Journal correspondence, 1933, part I
League of Nations Official Journal correspondence, 1933, part II
League of Nations Official Journal correspondence, 1933, part III
League of Nations Official Journal correspondence, 1933, part IV
League of Nations Official Journal correspondence, 1933, part V
League of Nations Official Journal correspondence, 1933, part VI
The Patriarchal Council Inc., June 17, 1949 (correction to leaflets containing false info spread through out Iraq.)
UN Petition Paterson, 1947 Church of the East, Committee on Iraqi Question, April 14, 1969



Portion of the Marganitha, translated by Mar Eshai Shimun, San Francisco, 1967-Voice From the East, Vol. 6, No.1, January – March, 1987
Mar Eshai’s Historic Visit to Iraq, I
Bakkar: Mar Eshai’s Historic Visit to Iraq, II
Iraq’s President receives Mar Eshai Shimun’s Visit to Iraq, The Baghdad Observer, April 26, 1970
Biography of Mar Eshai Shimun
Mar Eshai Shimun’s Visit to Iraq, The Baghdad Observer, April 30, 1970
The Golden Jubilee of Mar Eshai Shimun, XXIII, Chicago, 1970
A Summary of the Speech by Mar Eshai Shimun, XXIII, during his Golden Jubilee Chicago, 1970
Assyrian National Petition, written by Mar Eshai Shimun, XXIII. Submitted to United Nations, 1945
Time magazine 1940, Mar Eshai Shimun – The first patriarch to visit the U.S.A
Mar Eshai Shimun Biography, Voice From the East, Winter 1987
The Assyrian Nation After the Great War, The Assyrian, April 1987

A Sydney Airman a the Assyrian Patriarch, By Philimon Darmo, Nineveh Magazine, Vol. 21, No. 3, Third Quarter, 1998Lecture announcement provided by the Redpath Chautauqua Collection.  Archived by the University of Iowa Libraries, Special Collections Department.

Mar Eshai Shimun consecration announcement, Newspaper Unknown

Mar Eshai Shimun’s First Village Tour—1921,” by Christopher Nelson. Nineveh Magazine (Vol. 46, No. 2), 2021

Lady Surma in the U.K. and U.S., 1925-1926 (Part II of III), by Christopher Nelson. Nineveh Magazine (Vol. 46, No. 4), 2021.
Lady Surma in the U.K. and U.S., 1925-1926 (Part III of III), by Christopher Nelson. Nineveh Magazine (Vol. 47, No. 2), 2022.
Hormizd d’Mar Shimun (Part I of III), by Christopher Nelson. Nineveh Magazine (Vol. 48, No. 4), 2023

Hormizd d’Mar Shimun (Part II of III), by Christopher Nelson. Nineveh Magazine (Vol. 49, No. 1), 2024

Hormizd d’Mar Shimun (Part III of III), by Christopher Nelson. Nineveh Magazine (Vol. 49, No. 2), 2024


Synod Rules in Modern Syriac, 1949
Charter of Protection, granted to The Nestorian Church 1138 Muktafi II, Caliph if Baghdad
Intro to the Church of the East, written by Mar Eshai Shimun, XXIII, year unknown
Synhados, English version, translated by Mar Eshai Shimun, XXIII, 1960
The Liturgy of the Church of the East (commonly referred to as “The Blue Book”)
The Messianic Teaching of the Holy Apostolic and Catholic Church of the East, or Yulpana M’Shikhay